
An X-ray is usually done in 10 to 15 minutes and is a painless procedure. This procedure can be done in some diagnostic center or an hospital. The procedure requires radiation for taking pictures of inside parts of patients body. Different body structures such as soft tissues or bones, absorb the radiation beams differently.
The patient will be asked to stand, sit or lie down, depending on the X-ray requirement related to specific body parts. Patients are advised to remain steady while the X-ray is being done. X-rays are useful for diagnosis of various injuries or diseases related to bones, chest conditions, bowel blockages, presence of foreign objects inside your body, etc.
Medicare Imaging can guide you to find the best X-ray center in Mumbai. We have tie-ups with some of the best X-ray labs in Mumbai. You have to just get in touch with us and we will help you find cheap X-ray in Mumbai based on your location.

Our Tests

Following are the tests for which you can book.

Barium Swallow
MRP: 3500
Rate: 2800
MRP: 3500
Rate: 2800
MRP: 3000
Rate: 2400
Barium Enema
MRP: 3500
Rate: 2800
Both Knee Ap & Lateral
MRP: 1600
Rate: 1280
LS Spine AP & Lateral
MRP: 800
Rate: 640
Single view any part
MRP: 400
Rate: 320
MRP: 500
Rate: 400